Course Contents

  • 1

    Course Overview and Workbook

    • Course Overview

    • Return To Growth Workbook

  • 2

    Simplify Strategy

    • Simplify Strategy Lesson

    • Simplify Strategy Downloads & Templates

  • 3

    Focus the Team

    • Focus the Team Lesson

    • Focus the Team Downloads & Templates

  • 4

    Realign Resources

    • Realign Resources Lesson

  • 5

    Eliminate Drag

    • Eliminate Drag Lesson

    • Eliminate Drag Downloads & Templates

  • 6

    Measure What Matters

    • Measure What Matters Lesson

    • Measure What Matters Downloads & Templates

  • 7

    Fuel Accountability

    • Fuel Accountability Lesson

    • Fuel Accountability Downloads & Templates

  • 8

    How to Stay Focused & Wrapup

    • How to Stay Focused Lesson & Wrapup

    • How to Stay Focused Downloads

    • I'd Love Your Feedback - Just 3 Questions